Article – Crash-lock boxes

Crash-lock Box

Crash-lock boxes, also known as self-locking boxes, are a popular packaging solution that has gained immense popularity in recent years. These boxes are designed with interlocking flaps that do not require any additional adhesives or tapes to keep the contents secure during transit. The crash-lock feature of these boxes is what makes them sturdy and easy to assemble. Crash-lock boxes come in various sizes and styles, making them an ideal choice for a wide range of industries, including food, retail, and eCommerce. In this article, we will explore the many benefits of crash-lock boxes and why they have become so popular among businesses of all sizes.


Crash-lock boxes are a type of cardboard box that is specifically designed for ease of use and convenience. These boxes feature a unique design that allows them to be quickly assembled without the need for any adhesive or tape. Instead, the flaps of the box are easily interlocked with one another, resulting in a sturdy and secure container that is ideal for shipping a wide range of products. Crash-lock boxes are also known for their versatility, as they can be customised to suit the specific needs of each customer. This includes everything from the size and shape of the box to the type of material used in its construction. Overall, the many features of crash-lock boxes make them an excellent choice for businesses and individuals who require high-quality packaging that is both easy to use and highly customisable.


  • Easy to assemble: Crash-lock boxes are designed to be quick and easy to assemble, which can save time and reduce production costs.

  • Minimise RSI: Reduce the risks of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) for packing teams.

  • Lightweight: Because they are made from lightweight materials like card stock, crash-lock boxes can help reduce shipping costs and are easier for consumers to handle.

  • Strong and durable: Despite their light weight, crash-lock boxes are strong and durable, which makes them an ideal choice for packaging fragile or delicate items.

  • Increased protection: The crash-lock design of the boxes helps to increase the protection of the items inside during transportation and handling.

  • More environmentally friendly: Crash-lock boxes are often made from eco-friendly materials and are 100% recyclable, making them a better choice for the environment.

  • Customisable: These boxes can be customised to fit the specific needs of any product or brand, with options for different sizes, shapes, colours, and designs.

  • Professional appearance: The sleek and modern design of these boxes gives them a professional appearance, which can enhance the perceived value of the product inside.


Crash-lock boxes are made from different materials, depending on the specific applications. The most common materials used in making crash-lock boxes include corrugated board, cardboard, and paperboard. Corrugated cardboard (fluted board) is a cost-effective material and is widely used in the packaging industry due to its excellent cushioning properties and strength. Carton board (paperboard, folding box board), on the other hand, is lightweight and durable, making it ideal for shipping and handling, and is commonly used in the production of high-end packaging, such as cosmetic boxes, due to its exceptional printing capabilities that help in enhancing brand recognition. Crash-lock boxes are versatile and can be customised to meet specific industry requirements, making them ideal for various applications, including food and beverage, medical, cosmetic, and consumer goods. Overall, the materials used in making crash-lock boxes ensure that they provide the necessary protection and durability required for shipping and handling, while also enhancing product appeal.


When it comes to crash-lock boxes, there are several printing methods that can be used to convey a brand's message and ensure a visually appealing final product. One common technique is flexographic printing (typically used when printing corrugate cardboard), which uses a flexible plate to transfer ink onto the box material. This method is ideal for printing large areas of solid colour and can use a variety of inks including water-based, solvent-based, and UV-curable. Another option is lithographic printing (typically used when printing carton board), which involves transferring ink onto a rubber blanket before transferring it onto the box material. This method is best for printing fine details and intricate designs, and can use a wider range of inks than flexographic printing. Finally, digital printing can also be used (for either corrugated cardboard or carton board), allowing for customisation and variable data to be printed on each box. Regardless of the method chosen, the goal is to create a visually appealing and informative packaging solution that stands out on the shelf while protecting its contents during transport.

Special Print Finishes

Crash-lock boxes are an excellent packaging solution for various products. However, to make the packaging appealing and attractive, special print finishes can be used. These print finishes include Foil blocking, Embossing, and Spot UV.

Foil blocking is a print finish technique in which a metallic or coloured foil is applied to the box's surface and pressed through a heated die. This finish gives a luxurious and eye-catching look to the packaging and helps the product stand out on the shelf.

Embossing is another print finish technique used for crash-lock boxes. It creates a raised or recessed design on the surface of the box, giving it a premium feel. Customers can touch the embossed areas, which creates a tactile experience and leaves a lasting impression.

Spot UV is a printing technique that adds a glossy layer to specific areas of the box, creating a striking contrast between the matte and shiny finish. This technique is highly effective in highlighting specific text or graphic elements on the box, making it an ideal choice for brand logos or slogans.

These special print finishes can transform an ordinary crash-lock box into a premium packaging solution that captures the customer's attention and communicates the product's quality and value.


In conclusion, crash-lock boxes are a popular packaging solution that offers many benefits such as easy assembly, sturdiness, and cost-effectiveness. These boxes are a sustainable alternative to traditional packaging options and can be customised to fit various product needs. With their versatility and durability, crash-lock boxes are an excellent choice for companies who value convenience and reliability in their packaging solutions.

Steve Tomkins

Co-Founder of Fantastic Mr. Box with 30+ years of experience in graphic design, branding, marketing, and packaging. Worked with 50+ agencies and has a wealth of knowledge to confidently communicate with clients.