Benefits of investing in sustainable CBD packaging

Elevate your CBD brand's worth and recognition by investing in top-quality packaging. Not only will it allow you to charge a premium price for your products, but it will also provide consistent branding and protect against damages that may result in product returns. Discover the many benefits of high-end CBD packaging today.

CBD packaging sustainability

At Fantastic Mr. Box, we understand how crucial sustainable packaging is for protecting our planet. That's why we're proud to offer eco-friendly CBD packaging, made with FSC regulated and biodegradable materials, all produced sustainably in the UK. We strive to reduce waste and minimise our carbon footprint, all while building a greener future for everyone through sustainable solutions. Our commitment to creating eco-friendly packaging is a reflection of our dedication to making a positive impact on the world around us. Contact Fantastic Mr. Box, and choose to work towards a greener future with us.

Attention-grabbing CBD packaging

In the fiercely competitive world of CBD, being visible and showcasing your brand is essential. Our team of designers works with you or your brand agency to create CBD packaging that distinguishes your products from the rest. We carefully select design elements that resonate with your brand and target audience, making your products instantly recognisable. Your labels will be unique and memorable, driving sales and setting your products apart from the competition. With our expertise, your CBD packaging will become a powerful and effective tool in promoting your brand. Contact us today to learn how our CBD packaging solutions can make a significant impact on the success of your business.

CBD packaging benefits

The right packaging design for your CBD product can provide numerous benefits, both for your customers and for the success of your brand. First and foremost, packaging should ensure the safety of the product by serving as a physical barrier. Additionally, with an eye-catching design and the right product information placement, your packaging can make your products more appealing and increase their chances of being purchased. Furthermore, convenient packaging can cater to busy customers on-the-go. Most importantly, effective packaging can establish trust with consumers and foster brand recognition. In short, the right CBD packaging can be the key to making your product stand out and succeed! Why not Call us for a friendly chat!

Innovations in our CBD packaging

At Fantastic Mr. Box, we strive to revolutionise packaging with our cutting-edge innovations. Our team consistently devises new techniques to elevate your products on store shelves and provide improved user experiences. One such innovation is our 'PopBox', a customer-favourite that cuts co-packing time in half with its swift pop-up feature and pre-fitted designs. We take immense pride in our bespoke CBD packaging, which seamlessly blends functionality and artistry to give your brand an unparalleled edge. Contact Fantastic Mr. Box for the ultimate CBD packaging experience.

Premium materials in CBD packaging

Our CBD packaging is crafted using only premium materials to ensure both the protection and presentation of your products. We use FSC certified materials, which are recyclable and sustainable, reinforcing our commitment to the environment. Our boxes feature strong fibres that ensure durability and offer excellent surfaces for high-quality printing, creating a professional and eye-catching image. For those looking for a more environmentally conscious option, we also offer 100% hemp materials with organic-looking finishes. Call Fantastic Mr. Box today and let’s have a chat about how we can deliver packaging that not only looks good, but also helps you make a positive impact on our planet.

CBD packaging branding

As a business, your brand is your identity, and we at Fantastic Mr. Box understand the importance of effective branding. That's why we offer premium CBD packaging solutions that are customised to your brand, resulting in a lasting and impactful impression on your consumers. Whether we collaborate with your brand agency or work with your existing brand guidelines and assets, we make sure that your packaging accurately reflects the message and aesthetics of your brand. Our goal is to create instantly recognisable packaging that creates an emotional connection with your customers. Together we can create exceptional design packaging that delights and wows your clients. Let’s collaborate today!

Premium print finishes

At Fantastic Mr. Box, we believe that the right premium print finish can make all the difference when it comes to your premium CBD packaging. We offer a range of premium print finishes – embossing, de-bossing, foiling, and spot UV that add a touch of luxury. Not only do these finishes look amazing, but they also provide a tactile experience that engages customers. By incorporating these high-end finishes into your design, you'll create an unforgettable impression on your target audience and set yourself apart from the competition.


Embossing is a premium print finish that will add sophistication and texture to your premium CBD packaging, making it stand out from the crowd. This subtle yet effective technique enhances the unboxing experience and elevates brand image, creating a unique and memorable tactile experience for your market.


Foiling adds a luxurious and premium touch. It catches the eye with its shiny metallic finish that will make your premium CBD packaging stand out. Contrary to popular belief, foiling is recyclable, which makes it a eco-friendly choice for those looking to reduce their environmental impact without compromising on style.

Spot UV

Spot UV is a premium print finish that adds a glossy or satin sheen that subtly enhances the overall premium level of your CBD packaging. Spot UV also creates a unique tactile experience, which makes it look and feel more luxurious and high-end.

UK CBD packaging production

At Fantastic Mr. Box, we take pride in our UK-based production of CBD packaging. Our trusted suppliers are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and possess expert knowledge to ensure the creation of high-quality packaging efficiently. Being close to our production facilities allows for seamless quality control and prompt issue resolution, which translates to a better experience for you, our customer. Not only that, but producing locally also reduces transport emissions while supporting the local economy. You can trust that our commitment to excellence shines through in every aspect of our locally-made CBD packaging. Call us for a chat.